5 特征选择

5.1 特征选择概述

高维数据包括的检测变量越来越多,如基因表达数据中检测到的基因数目、扩增子测序中的OTU数目等。在训练模型时通常需要先对数据去冗余,提取一些关键变量。这不只可以加速模型的构建还可以降低模型的复杂度,使其更易于解释 (而不只是一个预测黑盒子)。同时也有助于提高模型的性能(或在不损失太多模型性能的基础上获得更简单的模型),降低过拟合问题的出现。


有一些算法如随机森林等在构建模型时可以自己选择有最合适的分类或预测能力的特征集合。前面提到,基于随机置换的变量的整体重要性得分(ACS)是评估变量重要性的一个比较可靠的方式。但这种方式获得的ACS Z-score只能用于排序确定哪些变量更重要,但不能根据统计显著性获得所有重要的变量。因此如果我们的目的还希望鉴定出哪些特征对分类或预测有贡献时,还需要借助其他的方式。

特征递归消除(RFE, recursive feature elimination)是一个常用的方法;它基于模型预测性能评估指标如准确性等选择一个性能较佳的最小集合的特征变量。它首先应用所有的特征变量构建模型,然后移除对模型最不重要的一定比例的变量再次构建模型;持续迭代直至获得准确性最高的模型。


其它变量选择方法不去除冗余变量,而是通过估计不相干变量的重要性值的分布,选择具有显著更高重要性值的变量作为预测变量。这些方法越来越受欢迎。包括permutation (Perm)和它的参数化版本Altmann,Boruta, r2VIM (recurrent relative variable importance)Vita。在2019年的一篇基于组学数据的评估文章中得出结论:BorutaVita算法的稳定性最好,适合分析高维数据。Vita的计算速度比Boruta快很多更适合大数据集,但只有Boruta可用于低维数据。 (https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx124)

5.1.1 特征选择方法比较

Abbreviation Name Goal Approach R package Citationsa
Altmann Altmann All relevant variables Permutation of outcome; parametric P-value R code on first author’s Web site (http://www.altmann.eu/documents/PIMP.R) Implemented in ranger package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ranger/index.html) and vita package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vita/index.html) 511
Boruta Boruta All relevant variables Importance significantly larger than those of shadow variables Boruta (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Boruta/index.html) 1271
Perm Permutation All relevant variables Permutations of outcome; nonparametric P-value No specific implementation for RF
r2VIM Recurrent relative variable importance All relevant variables Relative importance based on minimal observed importance; several runs of RF r2VIM (http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/software/r2VIM) 35
RFE Recursive feature elimination Minimal set RF with smallest error based on iterative removal of least important variables varSelRF (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/varSelRF/index.html) 2668
Vita Vita All relevant variables P-values based on empirical null distribution based on non-positive importance scores calculated using hold-out approach Vita (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vita/index.html) Implemented in ranger package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ranger/index.html) 82

5.2 Boruta算法

5.2.1 Boruta算法概述


  1. 初次建模时,把原始变量拷贝一份作为影子变量。
  2. 原始变量的值随机化后作为对应影子变量的值 (随机化就是打乱原始变量值的顺序)。
  3. 使用随机森林建模并计算每个变量的重要性得分。
  4. 对于每一个真实特征变量,统计检验其与所有影子变量的重要性最大值的差别。重要性显著高于影子变量的真实特征变量定义为重要。重要性显著低于影子变量的真实特征变量定义为不重要
  5. 所有不重要的变量和影子变量移除。
  6. 基于新变量构成的数据集再次重复刚才的建模和选择过程,直到所有变量都被分类为重要不重要,或达到预先设置的迭代次数。


  1. 同时适用于分类问题和回归问题
  2. 考虑多个变量的关系信息
  3. 改善了常用于变量选择的随机森林变量重要性计算方式
  4. 会输出所有与模型性能相关的变量而不是只返回一个最小变量集合
  5. 可以处理变量的互作
  6. 可以规避随机森林自身计算变量重要性的随机波动性问题和不能计算显著性的问题

5.2.2 Boruta算法实战

# install.packages("Boruta")
   boruta <- readRDS("rda/boruta300.rda")
} else {
  boruta <- Boruta(x=train_data, y=train_data_group, pValue=0.01, mcAdj=T, 
  saveRDS(boruta, "rda/boruta300.rda")

## Boruta performed 299 iterations in 1.28454 mins.
##  54 attributes confirmed important: AC002073_cds1_at, D13633_at,
## D31887_at, D55716_at, D78134_at and 49 more;
##  6980 attributes confirmed unimportant: A28102, AB000114_at,
## AB000115_at, AB000220_at, AB000381_s_at and 6975 more;
##  36 tentative attributes left: D31886_at, D43950_at, D79997_at,
## HG2279.HT2375_at, HG417.HT417_s_at and 31 more;

速度还是可以的 (1-2 分钟)(尤其是跟后面要介绍的 RFE 的速度比起来)

## Time difference of 1.28454 mins

查看下变量重要性鉴定结果(实际上面的输出中也已经有体现了),54个重要的变量,36个可能重要的变量 (tentative variable, 重要性得分与最好的影子变量得分无统计差异),6,980个不重要的变量。

## Tentative Confirmed  Rejected 
##        36        54      6980
## AC002073_cds1_at        D13633_at        D31887_at        D55716_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        D78134_at        D82348_at        D87119_at HG2874.HT3018_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
## HG4074.HT4344_at HG4258.HT4528_at        J02645_at        J03909_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        K02268_at   L17131_rna1_at        L27071_at        L42324_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        M10901_at        M57710_at        M60830_at        M63138_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        M63835_at        U14518_at        U23143_at        U28386_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        U37352_at        U38896_at        U56102_at        U59309_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        U63743_at        U68030_at        X01060_at        X02152_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        X14850_at        X16983_at        X17620_at        X56494_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        X62078_at        X67155_at        X67951_at        X69433_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        Z11793_at        Z21966_at        Z35227_at        Z96810_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##        U16307_at HG3928.HT4198_at      V00594_s_at      X03689_s_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
##      M14328_s_at      X91911_s_at      X12530_s_at      X81836_s_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed        Confirmed 
## HG1980.HT2023_at      M94880_f_at 
##        Confirmed        Confirmed 
## Levels: Tentative Confirmed Rejected

绘制Boruta算法运行过程中各个变量的重要性得分的变化 (绿色是重要的变量,红色是不重要的变量,蓝色是影子变量,黄色是Tentative变量)。




# ?plot.Boruta
# plot(boruta)


boruta.imp <- function(x){
  imp <- reshape2::melt(x$ImpHistory, na.rm=T)[,-1]
  colnames(imp) <- c("Variable","Importance")
  imp <- imp[is.finite(imp$Importance),]
  variableGrp <- data.frame(Variable=names(x$finalDecision), 
  showGrp <- data.frame(Variable=c("shadowMax", "shadowMean", "shadowMin"),
                        finalDecision=c("shadowMax", "shadowMean", "shadowMin"))
  variableGrp <- rbind(variableGrp, showGrp)
  boruta.variable.imp <- merge(imp, variableGrp, all.x=T)
  sortedVariable <- boruta.variable.imp %>% group_by(Variable) %>% 
    summarise(median=median(Importance)) %>% arrange(median)
  sortedVariable <- as.vector(sortedVariable$Variable)
  boruta.variable.imp$Variable <- factor(boruta.variable.imp$Variable, levels=sortedVariable)
boruta.variable.imp <- boruta.imp(boruta)

##   Variable Importance finalDecision
## 1   A28102          0      Rejected
## 2   A28102          0      Rejected
## 3   A28102          0      Rejected
## 4   A28102          0      Rejected
## 5   A28102          0      Rejected
## 6   A28102          0      Rejected



sp_boxplot(boruta.variable.imp, melted=T, xvariable = "Variable", yvariable = "Importance",
           legend_variable = "finalDecision", legend_variable_order = c("shadowMax", "shadowMean", "shadowMin", "Confirmed"),
           xtics_angle = 90)

提取重要的变量 (可能重要的变量可提取可不提取)

boruta.finalVars <- data.frame(Item=getSelectedAttributes(boruta, withTentative = F), Type="Boruta")
boruta.finalVarsWithTentative <- data.frame(Item=getSelectedAttributes(boruta, withTentative = T), Type="Boruta_with_tentative")


Tentative.boruta <- TentativeRoughFix(boruta)


caret::featurePlot(train_data[,boruta.finalVars$Item], train_data_group, plot="box")

5.2.3 Boruta 选择的变量拟合模型 Boruta 选择的所有重要的变量拟合模型

定义一个函数生成一些列用来测试的mtry (一系列不大于总变量数的数值)。

generateTestVariableSet <- function(num_toal_variable){
  max_power <- ceiling(log10(num_toal_variable))
  tmp_subset <- unique(unlist(sapply(1:max_power, function(x) (1:10)^x, simplify = F)))


# withTentative=F: 不包含tentative变量
boruta.confirmed <- getSelectedAttributes(boruta, withTentative = F)

# 提取训练集的特征变量子集
boruta_train_data <- train_data[, boruta.confirmed, drop=F]
boruta_mtry <- generateTestVariableSet(length(boruta.confirmed))

使用 Caret 进行调参和建模

# Create model with default parameters
trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5)

# train model
   borutaConfirmed_rf_default <- readRDS("rda/borutaConfirmed_rf_default.rda")
} else {
  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 1
  # 根据经验或感觉设置一些待查询的参数和参数值
  tuneGrid <- expand.grid(mtry=boruta_mtry)
  borutaConfirmed_rf_default <- train(x=boruta_train_data, y=train_data_group, method="rf", 
                     tuneGrid = tuneGrid, # 
                     metric="Accuracy", #metric='Kappa'
  saveRDS(borutaConfirmed_rf_default, "rda/borutaConfirmed_rf_default.rda")
## Random Forest 
## 59 samples
## 56 predictors
##  2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 53, 54, 53, 54, 53, 52, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
##    1    0.9862857  0.9565868
##    2    0.9632381  0.8898836
##    3    0.9519048  0.8413122
##    4    0.9519048  0.8413122
##    5    0.9519048  0.8413122
##    6    0.9519048  0.8413122
##    7    0.9552381  0.8498836
##    8    0.9519048  0.8413122
##    9    0.9547619  0.8473992
##   10    0.9519048  0.8413122
##   16    0.9479048  0.8361174
##   25    0.9519048  0.8413122
##   36    0.9450476  0.8282044
##   49    0.9421905  0.8199691
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 1.

提取最终选择的模型,并绘制 ROC 曲线。

# Just to clarify this later point a bit further: predict(xx$finalModel, testData) and predict(xx, testData) will be different if one sets the preProcess option when using train. 
# On the other hand, when using the finalModel directly it is equivalent using the predict function from the model fitted (predict.randomForest here) instead of predict.train; no pre-proessing takes place. 
# borutaConfirmed_rf_default_finalmodel <- borutaConfirmed_rf_default$finalModel

采用训练数据集评估构建的模型,Accuracy=1; Kappa=1,非常完美。

模型的预测显著性P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 3.044e-08。其中NIRNo Information Rate,其计算方式为数据集中最大的类包含的数据占总数据集的比例。如某套数据中,分组A80个样品,分组B20个样品,我们只要猜A,正确率就会有80%,这就是NIR。如果基于这套数据构建的模型准确率也是80%,那么这个看上去准确率较高的模型也没有意义。confusionMatrix使用binom.test函数检验模型的准确性Accuracy是否显著优于NIR,若P-value<0.05,则表示模型预测准确率显著高于随便猜测。

# 获得模型结果评估矩阵(`confusion matrix`)

predictions_train <- predict(borutaConfirmed_rf_default, newdata=train_data)
confusionMatrix(predictions_train, train_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    44  0
##      FL        0 15
##                Accuracy : 1          
##                  95% CI : (0.9394, 1)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7458     
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 3.044e-08  
##                   Kappa : 1          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA         
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000     
##             Specificity : 1.0000     
##          Pos Pred Value : 1.0000     
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000     
##              Prevalence : 0.7458     
##          Detection Rate : 0.7458     
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.7458     
##       Balanced Accuracy : 1.0000     
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL      


# 绘制ROC曲线

prediction_prob <- predict(borutaConfirmed_rf_default, newdata=test_data, type="prob")
roc_curve <- roc(test_data_group, prediction_prob[,1])
#roc <- roc(test_data_group, factor(predictions, ordered=T))

## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data_group, predictor = prediction_prob[,     1])
## Data: prediction_prob[, 1] in 14 controls (test_data_group DLBCL) > 4 cases (test_data_group FL).
## Area under the curve: 0.9821

选择最佳阈值 (https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/312780/why-is-accuracy-not-the-best-measure-for-assessing-classification-models)

  • youden: \(max(sensitivities + r \times specificities)\)
  • closest.topleft: \(min((1 - sensitivities)^2 + r \times (1- specificities)^2)\)

r是加权系数,默认是1,其计算方式为\(r = (1 - prevalence) / (cost * prevalence)\).

best.weights控制加权方式:(cost, prevalence)默认是(1, 0.5),据此算出的r1

  • cost: 假阴性率占假阳性率的比例,容忍更高的假阳性率还是假阴性率

  • prevalence: 关注的类中的个体所占的比例 (n.cases/(n.controls+n.cases)).

best_thresh <- data.frame(coords(roc=roc_curve, x = "best", input="threshold", 
                                 transpose = F, best.method = "youden"))
##   threshold specificity sensitivity
## 1     0.736   0.9285714           1


ROC_data <- data.frame(FPR = 1- roc_curve$specificities, TPR=roc_curve$sensitivities)
ROC_data <- ROC_data[with(ROC_data, order(FPR,TPR)),]

best_thresh$best <- apply(best_thresh, 1, function (x) 
  paste0('threshold: ', x[1], ' (', round(1-x[2],3), ", ", round(x[3],3), ")"))

p <- ggplot(data=ROC_data, mapping=aes(x=FPR, y=TPR)) +
  geom_step(color="red", size=1, direction = "vh") +
  geom_segment(aes(x=0, xend=1, y=0, yend=1))  + theme_classic() + 
  xlab("False positive rate") + 
  ylab("True positive rate") + coord_fixed(1) + xlim(0,1) + ylim(0,1) +
  annotate('text', x=0.5, y=0.25, label=paste('AUC=', round(roc$auc,2))) +
  geom_point(data=best_thresh, mapping=aes(x=1-specificity, y=sensitivity), color='blue', size=2) + 
  geom_text_repel(data=best_thresh, mapping=aes(x=1.05-specificity, y=sensitivity ,label=best))

基于默认阈值绘制混淆矩阵并评估模型预测准确度显著性,结果是不显著P-Value [Acc > NIR]>0.05

# 获得模型结果评估矩阵(`confusion matrix`)

predictions <- predict(borutaConfirmed_rf_default, newdata=test_data)
confusionMatrix(predictions, test_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    14  1
##      FL        0  3
##                Accuracy : 0.9444          
##                  95% CI : (0.7271, 0.9986)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7778          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.06665         
##                   Kappa : 0.8235          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1.00000         
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000          
##             Specificity : 0.7500          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.9333          
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000          
##              Prevalence : 0.7778          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7778          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.8333          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.8750          
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL           

基于选定的最优阈值制作混淆矩阵并评估模型预测准确度显著性,结果是不显著P-Value [Acc > NIR]>0.05

predict_result <- data.frame(Predict_status=c(T,F), Predict_class=colnames(prediction_prob))

##   Predict_status Predict_class
## 1           TRUE         DLBCL
## 2          FALSE            FL
predictions2 <- plyr::join(data.frame(Predict_status=prediction_prob[,1] > best_thresh[1,1]), predict_result)

predictions2 <- as.factor(predictions2$Predict_class)

confusionMatrix(predictions2, test_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    13  0
##      FL        1  4
##                Accuracy : 0.9444          
##                  95% CI : (0.7271, 0.9986)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7778          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.06665         
##                   Kappa : 0.8525          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1.00000         
##             Sensitivity : 0.9286          
##             Specificity : 1.0000          
##          Pos Pred Value : 1.0000          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.8000          
##              Prevalence : 0.7778          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7222          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.7222          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.9643          
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL           

使用 Caret 进行调参和建模时换一种评估方式,从评估准确性变为评估ROC值,获得的mtry值是一样的,都是1

# Create model with default parameters
trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5,
                          summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, classProbs = TRUE)

# train model
   borutaConfirmed_rf_roc <- readRDS("rda/borutaConfirmed_rf_roc.rda")
} else {
  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 2
  # 根据经验或感觉设置一些待查询的参数和参数值
  tuneGrid <- expand.grid(mtry=boruta_mtry)
  borutaConfirmed_rf_roc <- train(x=boruta_train_data, y=train_data_group, method="rf", 
                     tuneGrid = tuneGrid, # 
                     metric="ROC", #metric='Kappa'
  saveRDS(borutaConfirmed_rf_roc, "rda/borutaConfirmed_rf_roc.rda")
## Random Forest 
## 59 samples
## 56 predictors
##  2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 53, 52, 54, 53, 52, 53, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  ROC     Sens   Spec
##    1    0.9980  0.977  0.99
##    2    0.9955  0.977  0.92
##    3    0.9935  0.977  0.87
##    4    0.9955  0.977  0.87
##    5    0.9935  0.982  0.85
##    6    0.9935  0.973  0.85
##    7    0.9935  0.977  0.85
##    8    0.9915  0.973  0.85
##    9    0.9935  0.973  0.85
##   10    0.9915  0.973  0.83
##   16    0.9890  0.973  0.83
##   25    0.9800  0.965  0.83
##   36    0.9800  0.965  0.81
##   49    0.9680  0.961  0.81
## ROC was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 1.


  borutaConfirmed_rf_mtry_default <- readRDS("rda/borutaConfirmed_rf_mtry_default.rda")
} else {
  # method="none" 不再抽样,用全部数据训练模型
  trControl <- trainControl(method="none", classProbs = T)

  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 1

  borutaConfirmed_rf_mtry_default <- train(x=boruta_train_data, 
                                           y=train_data_group, method="rf", 
                    # 用默认mtry值
                    tuneGrid = expand.grid(mtry=sqrt(length(boruta.confirmed))),
                    trControl=trControl, ntree=300)
  saveRDS(borutaConfirmed_rf_mtry_default, "rda/borutaConfirmed_rf_mtry_default.rda")

## Random Forest 
## 59 samples
## 56 predictors
##  2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: None
predictions <- predict(borutaConfirmed_rf_mtry_default, newdata=test_data)
confusionMatrix(predictions, test_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    14  2
##      FL        0  2
##                Accuracy : 0.8889          
##                  95% CI : (0.6529, 0.9862)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7778          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2022          
##                   Kappa : 0.6087          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.4795          
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000          
##             Specificity : 0.5000          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8750          
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000          
##              Prevalence : 0.7778          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7778          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.8889          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.7500          
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL           
## Boruta 选择的所有可能有贡献的变量拟合模型


# withTentative=T: 包含tentative变量
boruta.confirmed <- getSelectedAttributes(boruta, withTentative = T)

# 提取训练集的特征变量子集
boruta_train_data <- train_data[, boruta.confirmed]
boruta_mtry <- generateTestVariableSet(length(boruta.confirmed))

# Create model with default parameters
trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5)

# train model
   borutaConfirmedTentative_rf_default <- readRDS("rda/borutaConfirmedTentative_rf_default.rda")
} else {
  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 1
  # 根据经验或感觉设置一些待查询的参数和参数值
  tuneGrid <- expand.grid(mtry=boruta_mtry)
  borutaConfirmedTentative_rf_default <- train(x=boruta_train_data, y=train_data_group, method="rf", 
                     tuneGrid = tuneGrid, # 
                     metric="Accuracy", #metric='Kappa'
  saveRDS(borutaConfirmedTentative_rf_default, "rda/borutaConfirmedTentative_rf_default.rda")

# 获得模型结果评估矩阵(`confusion matrix`)

predictions <- predict(borutaConfirmedTentative_rf_default, newdata=test_data)
confusionMatrix(predictions, test_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    14  2
##      FL        0  2
##                Accuracy : 0.8889          
##                  95% CI : (0.6529, 0.9862)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7778          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2022          
##                   Kappa : 0.6087          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.4795          
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000          
##             Specificity : 0.5000          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8750          
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000          
##              Prevalence : 0.7778          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7778          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.8889          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.7500          
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL           
## Random Forest 
## 59 samples
## 89 predictors
##  2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 53, 53, 54, 53, 53, 54, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
##    1    0.9876190  0.9725880
##    2    0.9809524  0.9573499
##    3    0.9712381  0.9214397
##    4    0.9565714  0.8526301
##    5    0.9492381  0.8242968
##    6    0.9492381  0.8242968
##    7    0.9532381  0.8442968
##    8    0.9492381  0.8242968
##    9    0.9492381  0.8242968
##   10    0.9492381  0.8242968
##   16    0.9492381  0.8242968
##   25    0.9425714  0.8042968
##   36    0.9425714  0.8042968
##   49    0.9397143  0.7960615
##   64    0.9459048  0.8109635
##   81    0.9340000  0.7795909
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 1.

5.2.4 Boruta算法的注意事项

  1. 在运行Boruta算法前确保缺失值和空值都已被填充。
  2. Boruta不排除共线性变量。如果构建模型时需要排除共线性变量,需要再次处理。
  3. 计算速度相对慢。

5.3 特征递归消除(RFE, recursive feature elimination)

5.3.1 RFE算法理论概述

RFE 算法通过增加或移除特定特征变量获得能最大化模型性能的最优组合变量。

5.3.2 RFE基本算法

  1. 使用所有特征变量训练模型
  2. 计算每个特征变量的重要性并进行排序
  3. 对每一个变量子集 \(S_{i}, i=1...S\):
    1. 提取前\(S_{i}\)个最重要的特征变量
    2. 基于新数据集训练模型
    3. 重计算每个特征变量的重要性并进行排序(可选)
  4. 计算比较每个子集获得的模型的效果
  5. 决定最优的特征变量集合
  6. 选择最优变量集合的模型为最终模型


在使用RFE算法时需要注意过拟合问题。假如在一个很大数目的无意义特征变量组成的数据集中有一个变量正好与分类结果完全吻合。RFE算法将会给这个变量很好的重要性得分和排序,包括这个变量的模型在构建评估时错误率也较低。需要一个独立的测试集或验证集才能发现这个被选出的特征变量是无意义的。这也被称为选择偏好 (selection bias)

在当前的 RFE 算法中,训练集被至少用于 3 个目的:特征变量筛选模型拟合性能评估。单一的静态训练集不能满足这些需求,除非训练集中的样品特别多(尤其是显著多于变量数目)。


5.3.3 交叉验证RFE算法

  1. 对每一次重采样迭代
    1. 把训练集拆分为新训练集和验证集
    2. 采用新训练集和所有特征变量训练模型
    3. 使用验证集评估模型
    4. 计算所有特征变量重要性并进行排序
    5. 对每一个变量子集 \(S_{i}, i=1...S\):
      1. 提取前\(S_{i}\)个最重要的特征变量
      2. 基于新数据集训练模型
      3. 采用验证集评估模型
      4. 重计算每个特征变量的重要性并进行排序(可选)
  2. 决定合适数目的特征变量
  3. 估计用于最终模型构建的特征变量集合
  4. 选择最优变量集合采用全部训练集构建最终模型


5.3.4 RFE算法实战

rfe函数有 4 个关键参数:

  • x: 训练集数值矩阵 (不包含响应值或分类信息)
  • y: 响应值或分类信息向量
  • sizes: 一个整数向量,设定需要评估的变量子集的大小。默认是2^(2:4)
  • rfeControl: 模型评估所用的方法、性能指标和排序方式等。

一些模型有预定义的函数集可供使用,如linear regression (lmFuncs), random forests (rfFuncs), naive Bayes (nbFuncs), bagged trees (treebagFuncs)和其它可用于train函数的函数集。

# 因运行时间长,故存储起运行结果供后续测试
  rfe <- readRDS("rda/rfe_rffuncs.rda")
} else {
  subsets <- generateTestVariableSet(ncol(train_data))
  # rfFuncs
  control <- rfeControl(functions=rfFuncs, method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5)

  rfe <- rfe(x=train_data, y=train_data_group, size=subsets, rfeControl=control)
  saveRDS(rfe, "rda/rfe_rffuncs.rda")

print(rfe, top=10)
## Recursive feature selection
## Outer resampling method: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
## Resampling performance over subset size:
##  Variables Accuracy  Kappa AccuracySD KappaSD Selected
##          1   0.7152 0.2585     0.1740  0.3743         
##          2   0.7990 0.4464     0.1595  0.4398         
##          3   0.8341 0.5143     0.1342  0.4096         
##          4   0.8387 0.5266     0.1362  0.4231         
##          5   0.8678 0.6253     0.1359  0.4080         
##          6   0.8937 0.6790     0.1285  0.4095         
##          7   0.8906 0.6796     0.1320  0.4031         
##          8   0.8995 0.6939     0.1175  0.3904         
##          9   0.8803 0.6343     0.1309  0.4234         
##         10   0.9017 0.7036     0.1186  0.3847         
##         16   0.9250 0.7781     0.1066  0.3398         
##         25   0.9223 0.7663     0.1151  0.3632         
##         27   0.9318 0.7927     0.1094  0.3483         
##         36   0.9356 0.7961     0.1123  0.3657         
##         49   0.9323 0.7895     0.1128  0.3649         
##         64   0.9356 0.8076     0.1123  0.3488         
##         81   0.9385 0.8193     0.1083  0.3305         
##        100   0.9356 0.8076     0.1123  0.3488         
##        125   0.9356 0.8095     0.1123  0.3478         
##        216   0.9394 0.8129     0.1149  0.3650        *
##        256   0.9361 0.8044     0.1155  0.3656         
##        343   0.9219 0.7516     0.1247  0.4062         
##        512   0.9288 0.7799     0.1239  0.3933         
##        625   0.9266 0.7790     0.1165  0.3658         
##        729   0.9252 0.7567     0.1278  0.4211         
##       1000   0.9259 0.7681     0.1272  0.4077         
##       1296   0.9181 0.7313     0.1250  0.4183         
##       2401   0.8787 0.5666     0.1285  0.4639         
##       4096   0.8787 0.5701     0.1252  0.4525         
##       6561   0.8521 0.4619     0.1221  0.4510         
##       7070   0.8623 0.4987     0.1268  0.4635         
## The top 10 variables (out of 216):
##    HG4074.HT4344_at, D55716_at, U63743_at, M63835_at, L42324_at, X02152_at, D31887_at, D82348_at, X17620_at, U56102_at


plot(rfe, type=c("g", "o"))


##   [1] "HG4074.HT4344_at"   "D55716_at"          "U63743_at"         
##   [4] "M63835_at"          "L42324_at"          "X02152_at"         
##   [7] "D31887_at"          "D82348_at"          "X17620_at"         
##  [10] "U56102_at"          "L17131_rna1_at"     "U14518_at"         
##  [13] "U16307_at"          "X56494_at"          "Z11793_at"         
##  [16] "Z21966_at"          "X91911_s_at"        "D13633_at"         
##  [19] "M14328_s_at"        "J03909_at"          "U68030_at"         
##  [22] "U38896_at"          "U59309_at"          "HG1980.HT2023_at"  
##  [25] "D87119_at"          "X62078_at"          "HG3928.HT4198_at"  
##  [28] "AC002073_cds1_at"   "M57710_at"          "U37426_at"         
##  [31] "X16983_at"          "V00594_s_at"        "X01060_at"         
##  [34] "U47414_at"          "M25753_at"          "X67155_at"         
##  [37] "HG2874.HT3018_at"   "S62696_s_at"        "X03689_s_at"       
##  [40] "U37352_at"          "M63138_at"          "X69433_at"         
##  [43] "X64177_f_at"        "U28386_at"          "X14850_at"         
##  [46] "U23143_at"          "K02268_at"          "Z96810_at"         
##  [49] "J02645_at"          "HG417.HT417_s_at"   "X67951_at"         
##  [52] "X76534_at"          "X65965_s_at"        "D31886_at"         
##  [55] "L27071_at"          "U24169_at"          "X07619_s_at"       
##  [58] "X17567_s_at"        "U24577_at"          "D78134_at"         
##  [61] "L33842_rna1_at"     "U12595_at"          "M20471_at"         
##  [64] "U89942_at"          "D79997_at"          "U09587_at"         
##  [67] "U72935_cds3_s_at"   "M86699_at"          "U03398_at"         
##  [70] "L04510_at"          "M35878_at"          "D16815_at"         
##  [73] "L42621_at"          "L19437_at"          "U74612_at"         
##  [76] "U81375_at"          "Z26634_at"          "D43950_at"         
##  [79] "M94880_f_at"        "U43189_s_at"        "X68560_at"         
##  [82] "U79295_at"          "HG4258.HT4528_at"   "U78525_at"         
##  [85] "L04282_at"          "M37815_cds1_at"     "U73379_at"         
##  [88] "L06419_at"          "M74093_at"          "X16396_at"         
##  [91] "Z49269_at"          "X53961_at"          "D38048_at"         
##  [94] "U46006_s_at"        "L02426_at"          "HG2279.HT2375_at"  
##  [97] "Z50115_s_at"        "HG3934.HT4204_at"   "M94556_at"         
## [100] "D26599_at"          "V00594_at"          "X59543_at"         
## [103] "X59834_at"          "M60830_at"          "HG110.HT110_s_at"  
## [106] "L00022_s_at"        "M65290_at"          "M86737_at"         
## [109] "X74801_at"          "L06132_at"          "U96113_at"         
## [112] "Y08374_rna1_at"     "M13792_at"          "Z30644_at"         
## [115] "HG4541.HT4946_s_at" "X12530_s_at"        "U29680_at"         
## [118] "X86098_at"          "S73591_at"          "U67932_s_at"       
## [121] "M10901_at"          "L25876_at"          "U14528_at"         
## [124] "L36720_at"          "X12447_at"          "J04173_at"         
## [127] "J04988_at"          "L19686_rna1_at"     "L11066_at"         
## [130] "X00437_s_at"        "X60003_s_at"        "M22760_at"         
## [133] "D83597_at"          "X81836_s_at"        "M12529_at"         
## [136] "D49824_s_at"        "X03066_at"          "L23808_at"         
## [139] "D25328_at"          "X51408_at"          "M22382_at"         
## [142] "D84361_at"          "D38073_at"          "M34338_s_at"       
## [145] "HG1153.HT1153_at"   "L19314_at"          "X74794_at"         
## [148] "M95724_at"          "M83751_at"          "Y09615_at"         
## [151] "U18383_s_at"        "U05340_at"          "U40369_rna1_at"    
## [154] "Z35227_at"          "U00238_rna1_at"     "X67235_s_at"       
## [157] "X52425_at"          "Z69915_at"          "U43522_at"         
## [160] "M26004_s_at"        "U77949_at"          "AB002409_at"       
## [163] "X59244_f_at"        "M21259_at"          "U37122_at"         
## [166] "U22055_at"          "M80335_at"          "M92843_s_at"       
## [169] "U06698_at"          "X54942_at"          "M22960_at"         
## [172] "K02574_at"          "X52851_rna1_at"     "X53793_at"         
## [175] "M95623_cds1_at"     "U15008_at"          "U89922_s_at"       
## [178] "X60787_s_at"        "X06956_at"          "Y00705_at"         
## [181] "U50535_at"          "U21931_at"          "X82207_at"         
## [184] "U03858_at"          "U07550_at"          "M87339_at"         
## [187] "U15642_s_at"        "J02960_cds1_s_at"   "M61764_at"         
## [190] "L19183_at"          "L10717_at"          "D13118_at"         
## [193] "X86400_at"          "Z14244_at"          "X77922_s_at"       
## [196] "K03430_at"          "D45248_at"          "M31642_at"         
## [199] "X15183_at"          "K01396_at"          "X05345_at"         
## [202] "M36803_at"          "M34181_at"          "M15059_at"         
## [205] "L29306_s_at"        "U18321_at"          "U61262_at"         
## [208] "L33930_s_at"        "D90070_s_at"        "Z49254_at"         
## [211] "U30872_at"          "Y09392_s_at"        "U21090_at"         
## [214] "U17032_at"          "D00763_at"          "HG3075.HT3236_s_at"


caretRfe_variables <- data.frame(Item=rfe$optVariables, Type="Caret_RFE") 比较Boruta与RFE筛选出的特征变量的异同

vairables <- rbind(boruta.finalVars, boruta.finalVarsWithTentative, caretRfe_variables)
sp_vennDiagram2(vairables, item_variable = "Item", set_variable = "Type", manual_color_vector ="Set1") 评估RFE变量筛选过程中构建的最终模型的效果


## Call:
##  randomForest(x = x, y = y, importance = TRUE) 
##                Type of random forest: classification
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 14
##         OOB estimate of  error rate: 5.08%
## Confusion matrix:
##       DLBCL FL class.error
## DLBCL    43  1  0.02272727
## FL        2 13  0.13333333

但此模型没有进行调参。虽然用的变量多了,但预测效果没有比Boruta筛选的特征变量结果好。P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2022不显著。

# 获得模型结果评估矩阵(`confusion matrix`)

predictions <- predict(rfe$fit, newdata=test_data)
confusionMatrix(predictions, test_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    14  2
##      FL        0  2
##                Accuracy : 0.8889          
##                  95% CI : (0.6529, 0.9862)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7778          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2022          
##                   Kappa : 0.6087          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.4795          
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000          
##             Specificity : 0.5000          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8750          
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000          
##              Prevalence : 0.7778          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7778          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.8889          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.7500          
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL           
## 基于RFE选择的特征变量再次调参构建模型

# 提取训练集的特征变量子集
rfe_train_data <- train_data[, caretRfe_variables$Item]
rfe_mtry <- generateTestVariableSet(length(caretRfe_variables$Item))

使用 Caret 进行调参和建模

# Create model with default parameters
trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5)

# train model
   rfeVariable_rf_default <- readRDS("rda/rfeVariable_rf_default.rda")
} else {
  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 1
  # 根据经验或感觉设置一些待查询的参数和参数值
  tuneGrid <- expand.grid(mtry=rfe_mtry)
  rfeVariable_rf_default <- train(x=rfe_train_data, y=train_data_group, method="rf", 
                     tuneGrid = tuneGrid, # 
                     metric="Accuracy", #metric='Kappa'
  saveRDS(rfeVariable_rf_default, "rda/rfeVariable_rf_default.rda")
## Random Forest 
##  59 samples
## 216 predictors
##   2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 53, 53, 54, 53, 53, 54, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
##     1   0.9802857  0.9459213
##     2   0.9707619  0.9091146
##     3   0.9600952  0.8725321
##     4   0.9554286  0.8405432
##     5   0.9599048  0.8612016
##     6   0.9525714  0.8326301
##     7   0.9572381  0.8642968
##     8   0.9492381  0.8242968
##     9   0.9492381  0.8242968
##    10   0.9492381  0.8242968
##    16   0.9492381  0.8242968
##    25   0.9492381  0.8242968
##    27   0.9463810  0.8160615
##    36   0.9492381  0.8242968
##    49   0.9492381  0.8242968
##    64   0.9425714  0.8042968
##    81   0.9363810  0.7874901
##   100   0.9397143  0.7960615
##   125   0.9311429  0.7713556
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 1.

结果还是不显著P-Value [Acc > NIR]>0.05。效果弱于Boruta筛选出的特征变量构建的模型。

# 获得模型结果评估矩阵(`confusion matrix`)

predictions <- predict(rfeVariable_rf_default, newdata=test_data)
confusionMatrix(predictions, test_data_group)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction DLBCL FL
##      DLBCL    14  2
##      FL        0  2
##                Accuracy : 0.8889          
##                  95% CI : (0.6529, 0.9862)
##     No Information Rate : 0.7778          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2022          
##                   Kappa : 0.6087          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.4795          
##             Sensitivity : 1.0000          
##             Specificity : 0.5000          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8750          
##          Neg Pred Value : 1.0000          
##              Prevalence : 0.7778          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7778          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.8889          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.7500          
##        'Positive' Class : DLBCL           

5.3.5 使用treebagFuncs运行RFE特征选择

  rfeTreeBag <- readRDS("rda/rfeTreeBag.rda")
} else {
  subsets <- generateTestVariableSet(ncol(train_data))
  # treebagFuncs
  controlTreeBag <- rfeControl(functions=treebagFuncs, method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, verbose=T)
  rfeTreeBag <- rfe(x=train_data, y=train_data_group, size=subsets, rfeControl=controlTreeBag)
  saveRDS(rfeTreeBag, "rda/rfeTreeBag.rda")

print(rfeTreeBag, top=10)
caretrfeTreeBag_variables <- data.frame(Item=rfeTreeBag$optVariables, Type="Caret_rfeTreeBag")

用 Venn 图绘制下三种算法计算出的相关变量的异同。

vairables <- rbind(boruta.finalVars, caretRfe_variables, caretrfeTreeBag_variables)
sp_vennDiagram2(vairables, item_variable = "Item", set_variable = "Type")

5.4 遗传算法 (Genetic algorithms)鉴定特征变量



# 太慢了,运行了1周未运行完
  rf_ga <- readRDS("rda/rf_ga.rda")
} else {
  ga_ctrl <- gafsControl(functions=rfGA, method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, verbose = T)
  rf_ga <- gafs(x=train_data, y=train_data_group, iters=200, gafsControl=ga_ctrl)
  saveRDS(rf_ga, "rda/rf_ga.rda")

print(rf_ga, top=10)

5.5 RFE 模拟退火算法


耗时 3.38 小时rf_sa$times$everything[1]

  rf_sa <- readRDS("rda/rf_sa.rda")
} else {
  sa_ctrl <- safsControl(functions=rfSA, method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, verbose = T)
  rf_sa <- safs(x=train_data, y=train_data_group, iters=250, safsControl=sa_ctrl)
  saveRDS(rf_sa, "rda/rf_sa.rda")

print(rf_sa, top=10)
## Simulated Annealing Feature Selection
## 59 samples
## 7070 predictors
## 2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## Maximum search iterations: 250 
## Internal performance values: Accuracy, Kappa
## Subset selection driven to maximize internal Accuracy 
## External performance values: Accuracy, Kappa
## Best iteration chose by maximizing external Accuracy 
## External resampling method: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 5 times) 
## During resampling, no variables were selected.
## In the final search using the entire training set:
##    * 1703 features selected at iteration 152 including:
##      AB000114_at ... 
##    * external performance at this iteration is
##    Accuracy       Kappa 
##      0.8587      0.4963



5.5.1 References